Dr. Barbara Jones was honored with the Social Worker of the Year Award from the Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers. This award was established in 1995 to honor those social workers demonstrating practice excellence within childhood cancer centers.
Dr. Jones has published more than fifty articles, chapters, and books in the fields of pediatric oncology, palliative care, and social work. She has received a number of prestigious national awards including the PDIA Social Work Leadership Award in 2009, the International Palliative Care Network Poster Exhibition Prize in 2012, and was selected as a Social Work Mentor for the College of Palliative Care, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Dr. Jones is founder and co-director of the Institute for Grief, Loss, and Family Survival, a university-community partnership that brings together practice and research professionals to investigate and address the needs of children, adults, and families who have experienced grief and loss.