Susan Milam, PhD ’94, MSSW ‘83, is the recipient of the 2013 Charles I. Wright Distinguished Alumna Award presented by the School of Social Work and its alumni organization, the Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN). Milam received the award from Dean Luis H. Zayas at SWAN’s annual spring alumni reception.
“I am pleased that my social work degrees have enabled me to work successfully in both the public and private sectors throughout my career,” said Milam.
When Milam was working through her graduate studies in the early 80s, the School of Social Work building was an old dormitory. She warmly recalled gathering with her classmates in the outdoor area, which was a former swimming pool that had been filled with dirt and plants.
The School facilities have come a long way since then, and so has Milam’s career. After she completed her MSSW, she was able to complete her Ph.D. in Health Policy while working full time, thanks to the flexibility of the doctoral program and the help of Dr. David Austin.
Milam’s distinguished social work career has included positions with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Texas Medicaid Managed Care program, and the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Service. Since 2009 she has been the Director of Government Affairs of the National Association of Social Workers, Texas chapter (NAWS-TX).
Throughout all these years, Milam has been actively connected with the School as an alumna and adjunct faculty member teaching public policy.