The Veteran Spouse Resiliency Group (V-SRG) program aims to connect veteran spouses in Texas to their communities by providing peer support groups. Veteran Spouse Resiliency Groups provide a safe space for veteran spouses to come together, listen, share stories, and lean on one another for support and guidance. This group-based peer support is available to veteran spouses who face a diverse set of challenges ranging from parenting and relationship health, to helping their veterans seek help, and caring for their own mental, emotional, physical, and career health. Following a peer-to-peer model, 20 veteran spouses and/or committed partners will be trained to co-facilitate 10 groups of 8-10 spouses with an 8-12 week curriculum, depending on the session topics chosen by group members. The V-SRG program addresses the unique concerns faced by veteran spouses with curriculum topics ranging from “Taking Care of Ourselves” and “Sharing Our Stories,” to “Caregiving,” and “The Lingering Effects of Service.” Program staff will collect evaluation data to determine the effects of peer support programming on veteran spouses’ mental health, overall life enjoyment and satisfaction, and perceptions of social support. Data will be used to improve ongoing programming for veteran spouses in future V-SRG groups.