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Title IX Office
The Title IX Office provides support around Title IX regulations and implements best practices for preventing sex discrimination and gender-based violence at the university. You can report incidents of sex discrimination on their website.
Steve Hicks School committee assignments
This pdf document details Steve Hicks School committees and their members.
Emergency Preparedness
Please use this site as a resource to better understand emergency preparedness at the university, and how you can become part of and contribute to the preparedness community.
Opt-In to UT Campus Text Alerts
This website, accessible with your UT EID, will allow you to sign up for Campus Text Alerts from UT Austin. Only staff and faculty members may sign up for emergency text messages on this page. Cell phone numbers provided will not be used for any other purpose. On the first Wednesday of each month, at approximately 11:50 AM, the Campus Text Alerts system is tested to validate it is functioning as expected. This is generally the only text message you will receive that is not directly related to an emergency event on campus. Additional information on emergency communications can be found here.
Resources and policies for staff
Dean’s Staff Excellence Award & Professional Development Fund
In 2024, the SHS awards were enhanced in response to strategic planning recommendations aimed at creating a supportive work environment, retaining top talent, and fostering professional development. Key areas of focus include: staff growth, training, engagement, and recognition, alongside efforts to improve the efficiency of administrative processes. These enhancements reflect a commitment to nurturing employee satisfaction and promoting a culture of excellence within SHS.
Staff Excellence Award
The Staff Excellence Award recognizes classified, administrative, and professional (A&P) staff employees’ special accomplishments or contributions to SHS, such as innovative ideas, and creative and exemplary performance while undertaking special projects or tasks. Up to two SHS employees each academic year will receive this award.
Professional Development Fund
This resource is designed for SHS administrative and professional (A&P) staff, as well as classified staff, to apply for support for professional development. Award recipients can use these funds to attend conferences, pursue continuing education, and engage in career training. These opportunities will help them develop new skills, stay updated on current trends, and advance their careers.
New employees
See this checklist from Human Resources with all items to take care during your first month on the job.
Recruitment and promotion
The dean, through consultation with the program directors, assistant to the dean and chief business officer, makes all decisions on available classified staff positions within the school.
See Policy memorandum 5.1030-PM (promotion and recruitment) and Policy memorandum 5.1020-PM (recruiting procedures)
Overtime work is available only under certain circumstances and must be pre-approved by the supervisor and the dean. Extra time may be accrued as compensatory time, see policy 5.4010 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Policy 5.2120 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures addresses employees’ breaks and rest periods.
Leave policy
Staff members must request permission from their supervisors to take vacation time, floating holiday, accrued compensatory time, jury duty, or military leave. For details on vacation and leave policy, see policy 5-4110 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Sick leave
See policy 5-4210 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures
Taking coursework during the day
See policy 5.2140 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Longevity pay
See policy 5-3130 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Staff request for outside employment
Whether remunerative or not, shall not conflict with or compromise the primary obligations the employee has to the university. See policy 5-2011 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Complete the interactive form (Human Resources website), print and bring it to the Dean’s Office.
Political activities
The university affirms the right of a member of the staff to participate in political activities so long as such political activities do not interfere with the discharge of the duties and responsibilities that he/she owes to The University of Texas at Austin, and so long as such political activity does not involve The University of Texas at Austin in partisan politics. See policy 9.87 in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.