Promotion and tenure
Promotion and tenure review
See detailed process for promotion and tenure review (updated September 2019).
Annual review (full, associate, assistant, clinical and research professors)
Annual review materials are submitted in the fall semester. An email will be sent in the fall with detailed instructions and asking to upload the materials below to UT Box.
- All faculty: current Curriculum Vitae.
- All faculty: copies of Course Evaluation Surveys with student comments.
- All faculty: complete the Annual Review Summary , which will be provided in the fall.
- All tenured and tenure-track faculty: complete the annual update to the Publications Database (login required) by the end of October of the previous year. Note that Firefox and Google Chrome continue to be the preferred browsers for this system.
Third-year review (assistant professors)
- Spring of third academic year: A subcommittee of the Executive Committee will be appointed in consultation with the assistant professor and the dean to begin conducting the third-year review, which includes peer-teaching observations.
- Summer of third academic year: Assistant professors should combine their annual review materials for all three years and prepare a statement that summarizes all their work and accomplishments. Submit these materials by the last business day in August.
- Fall of fourth academic year: the Executive Committee completes its review.
Comprehensive periodic review (all tenured faculty)
The Executive Committee and the dean in consultation with the faculty member being reviewed appoints a subcommittee of tenured faculty (usually three members) to assist in conducting comprehensive periodic reviews of tenured faculty, which include peer-teaching observations. Submit the following materials:
- Copies of all Annual Faculty Activity Reports for all years under review.
- Summary statement of your work (efforts and accomplishments, not to exceed six pages) for the review period.
- Current curriculum vita.
- Journal quality for articles published or in press during the review period.
- Course Instructor Surveys for all years under review:
a. Summary evaluation results available at MyCIS.
b. Copies of all student comments (do not provide originals). - Endowed Professorship and Chair Holders: Include annual endowment letter.
- Additional materials the faculty wishes to submit.
Research and professional development support
Faculty travel grant
- The school sponsors faculty travel to two conferences per year. See provisos outlined in the Dean’s memorandum of September 25, 2012 (login required).
- It is expected that faculty applied through the Provost Office Faculty Travel Grant application as well. Please be aware that you must apply at least 3 weeks prior to travel date, and you need a submitted Travel Authorization Request for your application to be valid.
Services to researchers
See the page of the Office of the Associate Dean for Research for services to ensure grant proposals and projects comply with sponsor, state, federal, university and school guidelines.
Relevant policies
Dean’s policy memoranda and governance procedures
Login to this UT Box folder to find governance procedures and memoranda regarding appointment of clinical faculty representative, indirect-cost policy on grants and contracts, institute policy, post-doctoral research fellowships, endowed chairs and professorships, faculty workload, signature courses, travel allowance and visiting scholars.
Compensation for correspondence and extension teaching
- Full-time employees on twelve (12) month appointments may receive additional compensation for correspondence course and/or extension center teaching, but may not receive additional compensation for summer school teaching.
- Full-time employees on nine (9) month appointments may receive additional compensation for correspondence course and/or extension center teaching during the nine (9) month period and also may be paid for summer school teaching.
- Compensation rates for correspondence course and extension center teaching shall be paid at rates set from year to year by the chief administrative officer and approved via the operating budget approval process.
Course release for research
- Typically, a faculty member conducts research during the 9-month academic year as part of their faculty duties, and then receives a salary during the summer months for working on the research project (assuming these funds were included in the original proposal). No special release forms need to be processed for this type of arrangement in the summer.
- Faculty members may seek release time from their 9-month academic duties in order to pursue their research. Release time can include partial relief from teaching in order to conduct research. This may include partial or full salary payment from the research grant. Dean’s approval is required.
Outside employment and consulting
See policy 3.19 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures for full-time faculty members who provide consulting outside the school and perform other professional activities.
Hosting visiting scholars
Faculty members who wish to host a visiting scholar must obtain prior approval from the Executive Committee and the dean.
- Request must include the proposed visitor’s CV, a statement of how the visit will benefit the Steve Hicks School, plan of work, and any accommodations needed.
- The school will require an administrative fee for every quarter of the scholar’s visit to cover administrative overhead.
Request for leave
- See policy 3.10 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
- See Faculty leave without pay policy from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
- Complete the Faculty request for leave form and bring to the Dean’s Office.
- Leave without pay or release from the instructional budget (whether full-time or part-time) should be for not less than a full semester fiscal period, i.e., September 1-January 15 or January 16-May 31.
Sick leave policy
See sick leave policies from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Modified and phased retirement
- See policy 3.05 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures for retirement and modified service.
- See policy 3.06 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures for phased retirement for tenured faculty.
- Forms for modified or phased retirement can be obtained in the Dean’s Office.