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The Art of Clinical Supervision


This 40-hour series is accepted by the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners to meet training qualifications to supervise candidates for clinical licensure. The classroom sessions will be collaborative,…


CPDC Committee Meeting

The Community Partnership Development Committee is a group comprised of UT SHSSW Faculty and Staff, community partners from Central Texas agencies and UT SHSSW Students. CPDC’s charge is to: •…

MSSW and BSW Interview Workshop

Online via zoom

What if you could go to an interview and know exactly what the questions will be? We may not be able to know the questions ahead of time, but we…

MSSW Final Field Letter of Interest Workshop

Online Workshop

Learn how to write a strategic letter of interest to accompany your resume. Join career coach, Jennifer Luna, MSSW and writing consultant, Taylor Smith for an informative how-to session. Register…


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…


Field Education Seminar

OFE and First Field Clinical Faculty orient MSSW students entering internships in the fall to practicum expectations over 2 days at SHSSW.

BSW Placement Orientation

OFE and BSW Clinical Faculty orient BSW students entering internships to practicum expectations.

Summer 2023 Clinical Social Work Showcase and Virtual Job Fair

Online Workshop

Are you looking for an LMSW or LCSW position? Thinking about future internship opportunities? Seeking a Clinical Supervisor for your LCSW? The Clinical Showcase is your opportunity to explore, network,…

Building Your Unique Social Work Brand

Online Workshop

Meet with DiNitto Career Center Director and expert career coach, Jennifer Luna, to learn more about building your professional brand. A professional brand is a strategic career tool that is…

SP24 Final Field Process Kick Off

This meeting will outline the fall placement process for spring final field and includes information about internship positions available, student advising, resume workshops, the field agency fair with agency representatives,…

DCC Career Exploration Series - Social Work & Sports

Online Workshop

Join us for a panel discussion led by Suzanne Potts, LMSW, MPH on what it means to work in sport social work (clinical and macro focused), the impact social work…

Letter of Interest Writing for Final Practicum

Online Workshop

Join career coach, Jennifer Luna, MSSW, for an informative how-to session on writing a winning letter of interest for the final practicum application process. Register at https://bit.ly/FinalPracticumLOI.


Final Practicum Group Resume Review


MSSW Students - Need resume guidance for final practicum application process? Join us for group resume review sessions taking place Friday, 9/22, Monday 9/25 and Friday 9/29. To sign up…

Final Practicum Group Resume Review


MSSW Students – Need resume guidance for final practicum application process? Join us for group resume review sessions taking place Friday, 9/22, Monday 9/25 and Friday 9/29. To sign up…

Final Practicum Group Resume Review

MSSW Students – Need resume guidance for final practicum application process? Join us for group resume review sessions taking place Friday, 9/22, Monday 9/25 and Friday 9/29. To sign up…

Final Practicum Group Resume Review


MSSW Students – Need resume guidance for final practicum application process? Join us for group resume review sessions taking place Friday, 9/22, Monday 9/25 and Friday 9/29. To sign up…

Zoom Internship Fair

10 am – 12 pm: BSW and Clinical placements 2 pm – 4 pm: APP placements Agency representatives and students come together for a virtual fair to discuss the amazing…

Negotiating Stipends in Practicum Settings


Join Assistant Deans Mary Beer & Tanya Voss for an informational session on negotiating stipends during the final practicum interview process. Learn about various modes of compensation in final practicum…


CPDC Committee Meeting

The Community Partnership Development Committee is a group comprised of UT SHSSW Faculty and Staff, community partners from Central Texas agencies and UT SHSSW Students. CPDC’s charge is to: •…


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…

Speed Interviewing for Final Practicum

Speed interviews are a great opportunity to practice interviewing for final practicum with local clinical supervisors and social worker employees! Gain real-world practice at sharpening your interview skills and get…


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…


CPDC Committee Meeting

The Community Partnership Development Committee is a group comprised of UT SHSSW Faculty and Staff, community partners from Central Texas agencies and UT SHSSW Students. CPDC’s charge is to: •…


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…

Storytelling Together for Social Change

Join the Addiction Research Institute in hosting a group of pioneers who have made waves creating social change at our first “Storytelling Together for Social Change” on February 1st, 2024.…

Weaving Your Web of Support - Reciprocal Networking

Online Workshop

"I hate networking" is a statement often made by students and professionals alike. In this workshop facilitated by Erin Cantrell-Martinez, Interim Director of the DiNitto Career Center, we will discover…

Intro to Resume Writing

Online via zoom

During this workshop, students will receive an overview of how to structure and write their resume. There will be some group activities and discussion. Register via Eventbrite here.


SWAN Themed Talks Series

The Social Work Alumni Network (SWAN) excitedly invites you to join our Themed Talks Series. All BSW and MSSW Alumni from the UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work…

Quirky Buds: Social Work and Entrepreneurship

Online Workshop

Join us in conversation with Caroline Turner, SHSSW MSSW program alumna as we dive into creative ways social workers can explore entrepreneurship. Alongside her full-time role in traditional social work,…

Resume Clinic: Group Workshop

Online via zoom

During this workshop, students will get to revise their resume through guided activities and peer review. Please bring your most recent resume with you - it does not have to…