Kirby Magid earned her Ph.D. in Health Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and her M.A. in Social and Personality Psychology from the University of Manitoba. She currently serves as a research associate in the Steve Hicks School of Social Work Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health. Her research is primarily focused on: (a) the relationship between psychosocial processes, health, and well-being across the lifespan; (b) understanding the role of the social determinants of health in health disparities and inequities experienced by under-resourced populations at multiple levels; and (c) using research to inform policy and practices related to advancing health equity. Kirby is also passionate about integrated, person-centered, equitable care, and leveraging technology to improve access to healthcare and to increase health prevention and promotion efforts across the full continuum of mental health. Her broader professional involvements include serving as a co-chair of the Global Mental Health Committee for the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice. Outside of work, Kirby enjoys hiking, yoga and Pilates, traveling, and spending time with her dog, Pippa.