Major Jean Paul “JP” Hare is a United States Army Social Work Officer. He is a board-certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker and interventionist researcher. JP has 14 years of active federal service supporting America’s soldiers and their families in the fields of behavioral health, addiction, and family violence.
JP’s research interests and publications focus on high-risk clients, military populations, suicide prevention, performance enhancement, program evaluation, and non-medication interventions for behavioral health treatment. His eclectic clinical approaches include EMDR, AAS Psychological Autopsy, animal assisted interventions, mind-body connections, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, behavioral approaches, art approaches, and electrotherapies, as well as compassion and mindfulness-focused interventions.
JP’s most recent publication focuses on using electrotherapies to treat behavioral health symptoms of service members during combat. The editorial outlines JP’s innovative methods of treating behavioral health issues in an austere and high-risk setting. It explores treatment options in contexts where psychopharmacology and talk therapy are infeasible.
As a military leader in his own right, JP spent several years consulting for military professionals. In this capacity, he addressed issues at the macro level of organizations. He practiced social work in Afghanistan and Iraq. JP’s most recent assignment was to the United States Army Special Operations Command at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.
JP was the first licensed graduate of the inaugural Army-Fayetteville State University Master of Social Work Program, founded in 2008 to address the growing need for trained clinicians in military-specific social work. He received his undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of California, Davis in 2005.
JP is a member of the UT Health Behavior Research and Training Institute where he works alongside his mentors Dr. Kirk Von Sternberg and Dr. Mary Velasquez. He ultimately hopes to instruct military social workers so he can impart his passion to the clinicians of tomorrow.
JP lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Karie and their three children. JP is an artist, musician, and functional fitness enthusiast.
Professional Interests
Military social work; suicide prevention; behavioral health outcomes; electrotherapies; performance enhancement