Deborah (Debbie) Hoose Johnson is one of the founders and first president of Hope Center Houston, a center serving the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of homeless individuals. She is very involved in her faith and St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, serving on the Vestry and staff as Outreach Champion, as a Sunday School teacher, and as the founder and leader of the Cheyenne River Reservation (Lakota Sioux) Mission in South Dakota. Debbie is also the Outreach Chairperson of the Episcopal Church Women for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, the chair of the Interfaith Committee at Hope Center Houston, a Lay Eucharistic Minister in the Episcopal Church, a seminarian, and is seeking to become an Anglican Franciscan. Debbie is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin (BA 1977, Economics) and serves on the Executive Committee of the Chancellor’s Council for the University of Texas System. Debbie is a member and past officer in the Longhorn Alumni Band and is a Lifetime Member of the Texas Exes. Debbie has been married for 45 years to Andrew (Andy) Johnson, they have three grown children, and one beautiful granddaughter!
Debbie Johnson