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Research that Changes Lives

Addressing some of the most challenging human issues from an interdisciplinary perspective to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

In alignment with the mission of the Steve Hicks School of Social Work, the Office of the Associate Dean for Research provides strategic planning, consultation, resources for investigator development, and management of the grants and contracts lifecycle to enrich the social work research enterprise at The University of Texas at Austin.

Steve Hicks School Research by the Numbers


$36.8 million

in awards from federal, state, local agencies and nonprofits

$74.2 million

in available funds

Directed by social work faculty, our research institutes focus on interdisciplinary, scientifically rigorous social and behavioral research. Institutes also provide expertise and a range of services including program evaluation and training.

The postdoctoral training “Promoting equity in cardiovascular health” is held in collaboration with the Dell Medical School through an award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Our faculty-led research and training projects funded by a variety of federal, state and foundation sources. See a list of current and past research projects.

Faculty and students at the Steve Hicks School bring understanding to critical social problems, and develop and implement real solutions to address them. Read about the impact of recent research projects on communities in Texas and across the nation.

Helpful Links

The Office of the Associate Dean for Research ensures that proposals and projects comply with sponsor, state, and federal guidelines, internal policies as well as university and school requirements.

Learn who does what in the Office of Associate Dean for Research and find their contact information.

Bridging Barriers is a university-wide grand challenges initiative, driven by UT faculty and researchers, that tackles some of the hardest fundamental research questions facing our world.