June 22, 2015
Authoritarian parenting can lead to depression and somatization in young Mexican American and Dominican American children, according to new research...
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June 18, 2015
Assistant professor Susan De Luca was selected to a national panel of suicide prevention experts to create a guide for...
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June 11, 2015
Limited English proficiency is a unique vulnerability of older immigrants in the United States that poses significant risks to health...
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June 11, 2015
In the past 11 days, medics in Austin have treated more than 150 patients for bad reactions to the consumption of...
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June 4, 2015
Child welfare interventions that target adoptive/guardianship homes on the brink of disruption are often provided too late and therefore do...
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May 29, 2015
Graduating master's student Katie Casstevens reflects upon her time in Brazil doing community development work as a Boren fellow
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May 28, 2015
Longhorns steer local youths in the right direction through community leadership program at the School of Social Work (video)
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May 27, 2015
Assistant dean for health affairs Barbara Jones is one of five social workers recently elected to the National Academies of Practice...
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May 26, 2015
Asia Howard plans to earn dual master's degree in social work and public affairs after graduation
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May 20, 2015
Christine Rodriguez is mixing her social work education and ROTC experience after graduation.
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May 19, 2015
Graduating social work senior Chelsea Jones is one of the recipients of the Heman Sweatt Legacy Award given by the The...
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