Dr. Natalie Fikac is an educator and mental health professional, educator with over 29 years of educational experience. Her educational experience began as an elementary school teacher, reading interventionist, Professional School Counselor at both the elementary and secondary level, campus administrator and district level administrator. She has served at the Texas Education Agency on the mental and behavioral health team and now supports school mental health at the regional level at the South Southwest MHTTC at the University of Texas Austin. She lives by the motto “You can’t pour from an empty cup” and aspires to promote self-preservation and self-compassion practices in all areas of her life. She is passionate about growing leaders and learners as a Certified Dare to Lead ™ Trainer trained by Dr. Brené Brown, Stress Management and Resiliency Trainer (SMART) and a Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher. Her hope is to be able to educate and advocate on behalf of professional educators, students and families in the areas of mental and behavioral health, social-emotional needs and overall wellness and resiliency.
Natalie Fikac, Ed.D.
Senior Administrative Program Coordinator