The Steve Hicks School of Social Work maintains the Professional Development Assistance Fund as a resource for students who are presenting at professional conferences. Funds do not need to be repaid, but their awarding may affect the student’s status with financial aid. Students requesting funds should speak with a representative from the University’s Office of Financial Aid about questions or concerns.
The fund may provide a scholarship to defray expenses when a student has been invited to make a significant presentation at a professional conference. The scholarship amount can help with registration, travel, and/or lodging expenses up to a maximum of $300 per student, depending on available funds. To be considered, students must be enrolled in at least one course in the current semester and the in semester when they will be presenting/traveling. Due to limited funding, we can only approve funding for one student per accepted abstract.
*If you are receiving Financial Aid, please be aware it can take up to 2 weeks from the time your scholarship payment is posted for an advisor to approve it.
PLEASE NOTE – If you received a financial aid package, a portion of your scholarship may be held in payment towards your loan. If you are concerned about your scholarship being affected in this way, please contact the financial aid office for more information. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE CURRENTLY ENROLLED TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR EITHER ASSISTANCE FUNDS.