Individuals comprising the Deaf population have a vast array of unique life experiences. In an effort to better serve these individuals, it is necessary for those in the field of social work to gain greater cultural and linguistic awareness and sensitivity regarding the Deaf community.

(re)Deaf-ining (dis)Ability: An Introduction to Cultural Deafness and Its Implications for Social Work, by Angela Nonaka, PhD, will inform and prepare social work students, educators, practitioners, and policy analysts in their work with Deaf clients. The book will cover a wide range of topics of relevance for social workers interacting with culturally Deaf people —i.e., linguistic and cultural diversity, human rights, social justice, family, community, educational matters, communication, work in medical and mental health contexts, and legal issues. Information presented in the book is supplemented by the utilization of Deaf expertise, and the experiences of Deaf individuals from diverse backgrounds will be highlighted within each chapter.

(re)Deaf-ining (dis)Ability: An Introduction to Cultural Deafness and Its Implications for Social Work will provide a broad social work audience with information that is relevant, valuable, and up-to-date. It will serve as a useful scholarly resource, and help bolster the quality of work with colleagues and clients who are Deaf.